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What Causes Patellar Tendinitis?

Also known as Jumper's Knee, it is pain in the knee that occurs when the tendon from the kneecap to the shin gets inflamed. Coined the term Jumper's Knee because it was most often found in athletes whose sports involved a lot of jumping. The mechanism of injury is due to overuse of the patellar tendon. This overuse could be from the body compensating for another joint in the leg that is not functioning properly. 

Some symptoms that commonly arise with patellar tendinitis are: 

  • Pain between the kneecap and the shin bone

  • Pain after an intense workout

  • Over time, pain with extension of the leg

How Can Chiropractic Care Help Patellar Tendinitis?

Chiropractic care is helpful when dealing with patellar tendinitis. It is often seen in youth athletes, especially basketball players since they are growing and using their muscles at the same time. This can be very painful and the techniques used at Kinach Chiropractic in Excelsior MN help decrease the amount of pain felt and promote better muscle recovery. 

What To Expect For Treatment?

  • Chiropractic adjustments to the lower back, pelvis, hip, and ankle
  • Manual Muscle Therapy to the quadriceps that control the patellar tendon.
  • Corrective exercises focused on knee extension
  • Dynamic/KT tape to help offload the knee to aid healing

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